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GraphEditPlus manual

GraphEditPlus is a tool for DirectShow developers for working with filter graphs in Windows. Its main features are working with several graphs at a time, generating source C++ and C# code for building and running your graphs, and providing as much information about your graph's contents as possible.

GraphEditPlus supports both 32 and 64 bit modes, which is important because you can't use 32-bit filters in a 64-bit app and vice versa, so to work with both kind of filters you need two versions of the program. After installation there are two shortcuts: GraphEditPlus.exe works as a 64-bit app on 64-bit Windows, while GraphEditPlus32.exe works in 32-bit mode.

We tried to make usage of GraphEditPlus as simple and obvious as possible and as you move your mouse around it describes what can be done in the status field at the bottom. We documented all the obvious and non-obvious bits of GraphEditPlus in following parts of the manual:

Graph editing and running

Filters list window, search for filters

Menus, options, code generation

Scanning for interfaces and querying data from filters

Displaying matching filters

Using Sample Grabber

Watching graph event log

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